
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Four Times to Hire an Attorney

Attorneys are trained in the law of the land, and spend a lot of time becoming experts in their field. Most people contact attorneys after something traumatic takes place but in reality, these knowledgeable professionals can be helpful in many other applications too. Here are some non-troubled times when you should consider hiring an attorney:

Hire Attorney

Business Needs
Owning a business is a big undertaking with complications at every turn. Most entrepreneurs are big on ideas, but lack the business savvy to reach their full potential. Hiring a BusinessAttorney to take care of the unromantic, but necessary, side of company ownership is a smart way to handle all the “red tape” of everyday operations. The right business attorney will guide clients through the startup process, tax information and any crisis management that may arise. It is advisable to seek out advice from a legal professional long before any potential problems come to the surface. Having legal issues all addressed correctly will make it easier for you to sleep at night as a business owner.

Estate Planning
It may not be the most glamorous topic, planning for the future is an important thing to do. Estate Planning takes the pressure off loved ones and lets everyone know your exact wishes. Do not rely on your verbal wishes to be carried out; it is imperative to have everything written down according to the protocol of the state where you live. Hiring an attorney to help navigate the estate planning process takes out the guesswork, ensuring that all the details are addressed correctly.

Contract Review
In an age where digital signatures are gaining in popularity, it is more vital than ever to read the “fine print” more carefully. Before signing any sort of contract, take the time to run it by an attorney. Depending on the complexity of the contract, you may want to seek out an attorney that has a specialty in the contract area. The average person does not understand everything that is contained in the contracts that he or she signs, and this makes them vulnerable to shoddy business practices. An attorney can quickly spot anything that could prove harmful to a consumer and suggest better wording. Paying for advice upfront, especially on a very expensive agreement, is a smart way to protect your investments.

Tax Advice
This is similar to hiring a business attorney, but extends beyond company needs. Individuals can seek the help of Portland law firms to get advice on the tax process, including monetary gifts and charitable donations. Anyone that comes into an unexpected sum of money through inheritance or lottery winnings should talk to an attorney specializing in tax law before making any major investment decisions. There is a delicate balance to maintain when taxes are involved and particular laws that must be followed. Do not risk doing something illegal or owing a large sum later on. Contact an attorney upfront to sort out all tax questions and issues. 

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