
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Video Conferencing and How it can Benefit Businesses

Video Conferencing is an interactive system that allows both visual and audio to be transmitted during a conference call. It is commonly used in businesses to replace meetings. Here we outline some of the key benefits you will receive by purchasing a video conferencing unit.

Video Conference Benefits Advantage Business Room Design

No Travel Costs
In today’s economy finding new business opportunities can be tough; you may have to look further afield than your local area. If money is tight then you may not be able to justify of travelling. However, research has shown that the majority of business trips can be eliminated as the meeting can take place on a video conferencing unit. With the latest advances in technology the quality of the sound and picture on a video conferencing system is so good it is like having the other guests in the room with you. Therefore, the ROI when investing in a video conferencing system is huge and lasts for years. To calculate the ROI on a video conferencing unit multiply the number of trips taken per year by the cost to travel, including; expenses and the salary of the time lost whilst travelling. Then compare this figure against the cost of purchasing a video conferencing unit. If your business makes a lot of business trips per year, you will see that the cost of travelling for business meeting far outweighs the cost of a video conferencing system.

Increased Productivity
One of the main challenges in a business environment is to work as a team when the team is in different locations. Communication can decline between team members when they’re not in the same room. Most communication takes place either by e-mail or telephone; however the visual cues are lost. Research has shown that we interpret communication better when we can see the person we’re communicating with. Adding video into the mix here will improve communication between team members and interpretation of the work involved. Some emotions are impossible to understand through an audio conversation alone. Take confusion, concern or satisfaction for example, these are emotions that can be understood without the other person having to express it verbally. Video conferencing has also shown that it leads to decisions been made quicker and will increase productivity across any organisation.

Improved Recruitment
Recruitment can be a huge expense for any company especially when candidates and interviewees are coming from other areas. Having a video conferencing system in your business will allow you to conduct interview over the video conferencing unit. The beauty of video interviews is that they can be recorded and played back to other people in the organisation involved in the decision making.

Staff Retention
By incorporating video conferencing into daily activities your organisation can allow more staff to work from home. This can lead to high staff retention levels as one the main reasons employees leave jobs is the commute they face to get to the office.

 Competitive Advantage
You’re more than likely to maintain a competitive advantage by employing a video conferencing unit. If your business is call centre based, using video conferencing is one way to improve the user experience – people are more likely to trust someone they can see.

Environmental Initiatives
As video conferencing reduces the need to travel, it is a ‘green’ product that can be included on your corporate social responsibility report. Using a video conferencing system will significantly reduce your company’s carbon footprint.
  • When purchasing a video conferencing unit it is important to keep the following factors in mind;
  • Number of sites that will need access to the video conferencing system
  • The maximum amount of people you would like to participate in one call
  • The size of your room
  • Internet connection; a broadband connection is required for Video Conferencing to work at its full capacity

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