
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Creating a Customer-Friendly Online Buying Experience

As consumers, it’s easy for us to just log in to Google and type in what we’re looking to buy. This is true even for people who are familiar with the ins and outs of eCommerce; you might be an SEO whizz, but when searching for something you need at a great price, the company’s keywords are the last thing on your mind.

So how many times have you clicked on one of the coveted top ten search results, only to view a website you’ll never buy anything from? Whether it’s the website’s design, some shoddy font they’re using, a general lack of info, or difficult terms and conditions, consumers are easily turned off by a multitude of unattractive aspects of online merchants.

Easy User Friendly Customer Visitor Buying Shopping Experience

Surprisingly, even so-called experts in the world of online marketing can commit fatal errors when it comes to converting site visitors into paying customers, and we’re not just talking about bounce rates. Read on for general tips on creating a customer-friendly experience that will make your marketing efforts worthwhile.

Give Customers what they Want
This means fulfilling your promises immediately. To promote your website, you’re likely using marketing techniques ranging from Adwords to email blasts and social media invitations. Customers need to see that you have what attracted them to click on your link immediately, and not a) have to look for it, or b) be greeted by a bait and switch tactic offering them something else.

If you promise low-cost office supplies, for example, the customer should be able to click on a paper or pen category right on your home page where they can then make a purchase. Visit for a great example of a company that gives website visitors what they want right away.

Instill a Sense of Trust
This can be hard to do immediately, but your customers need to be able to see that you are a trustworthy and competent player in this game. A professional, SEO-friendly website design, displaying a safe payment method and drawing attention to any trusted merchant certifications you may have are just several ways of bringing the customer in and making them feel secure.

Pretend you are the Customer
What is it that makes you want to buy from a website? We all know just how much competition there is out there, and how easy it is to just jump to a different website that offers more for less.

Don’t be undersold- make sure to conduct thorough research of your competitors and what they are offering. This might force you to make some tough decisions regarding the products you can realistically expect a good return from, but you can’t ignore this information.

Include a detailed description of any product or service you offer, so that the customer feels comfortable that they are making an informed buying decision. Make your contact information easily visible for any further questions.

Offer free shipping and handling whenever possible- this is one area in which many eCommerce businesses fail. But again, if just by factoring in the shipping a product becomes unprofitable, you probably shouldn't be selling it.

Lastly, be easy deal with when it comes to returns. Despite your best efforts, some things simply won’t meet your buyers’ expectations. You want loyal customers who will return to your site, so be sure to process any returns and address customer complaints efficiently.

Remember that by creating a customer-friendly online buying experience you are not only encouraging your clients to return, you are building your online reputation. Make sure to give your site visitors what they want, show that you can be trusted and really get inside your customers’ heads to ensure they have no need to go elsewhere. 

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