
Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Best Way to Start a Garden

Most people have thought about planting their own garden. Who doesn't love fresh vegetables and herbs? The only thing keeping you from your own juicy tomatoes is that you don’t have the time or start it or don’t know the first steps to take. Here’s some guidance on the easiest way to get started.

Beautiful Garden Tips Designs

Choosing the Right Spot and The Right Seeds
First you need to decide on where you will have the garden and how big you want it to be. Pick a spot that is flat and is in the sun during most of the day. Break up the soil and add some compost to the fresh dirt. Be sure to remove any rocks or roots.  Try to stay away from other big plants or trees so they don’t steal all the nutrients in the ground.  A good beginner size garden is about 16x10 feet.

Picking what you will grow depends first on how much space you have. Every plant needs a different size area to grow to its full potential. Be sure to research each plant you are considering and measure how much space they will need. If your garden is only four feet long, you wouldn’t choose to grow pumpkins because just one would take up the whole space. Be sure to utilize as much of your ground as you can to get the most out of your garden! Most of that information will be on the seed packets. If you are limited on space, try to plant things that can grow horizontally like beans, tomatoes and cucumbers.

To get the most out of your gardening efforts choose plants that your family will enjoy, that are healthy and produce more than one crop per season.

Organic or Not
Since you control your own garden, you have the option of growing your vegetables to be organic. Basically what this means is if you choose to go organic, which is healthier for you and your family, you won’t be using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.  That means it’s up to you to ward off the pests so your plants can grow healthy. The seeds you choose will have to be from plants raised without chemical fertilizer and pesticides, try your local farmers market.  Or you can look for organic gardening products specifically.  From my own personal experience, I've used SaferBrand’s Organic Gardening Products, and put in a couple of their partner company, Havahart’s, humane animal traps to protect it.

Protect your plants naturally, if you choose to go the organic route. This can be done by fostering natural predators like frogs, toads, birds and bats around your garden. So if you see them, don’t scare them away, they can get rid of the other bugs that may harm your plants. It’s a good idea to leave a small source of water out to help attract friendly predators. You can use nets and row covers as well.

Keep Up With It
Do all of your weeding by hand. To try and reduce the amount of weeds you have, some people suggest using organic mulch to protect the soil. Weeding is a great way to work in your garden, get some fresh air and it can actually be relaxing!

Be sure to harvest your plants when it is time. The more you harvest, the more you’ll have growing. If you have herbs growing pick them right before you want to use them or dry them out and store them. If you have too much produce, give it away as gifts, freeze or can them.

When winter comes, let the plants be, it will make it easier for you during the next season.

Whatever your reason for not starting a garden has been, put it aside and get out there. You’re green thumb is waiting to be discovered and your family is craving fresh and healthy vegetables. 

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